Bring balance to your life and enhance your strength with Black Onyx. With its powerful healing properties, this special crystal helps promote vigor and stamina, boosts self-confidence, and helps you be at ease with your surroundings. Black Onyx also helps with grief and encourages self-control and wise decisions. Enhance your life and bring balance with this special crystal.
Crystal is sold per piece.
Boosts Self-Confidence: Black Onyx helps you to feel more confident and secure in yourself and your abilities.
Promotes Vigor and Stamina: This crystal helps to bring energy, focus, and determination to those who wear it.
Enhances Self-Control: With its calming properties, Black Onyx helps to increase self-control and encourages making wise decisions.
Helps with Grief: Black Onyx also aids with grief and helps to bring peace and comfort.
Experience the healing properties of this special crystal. Get your piece of Black Onyx today!